Key Features:
Heavy Cotton Ladies T-Shirt
One of our proposed tactics in selling state apparel went as follows: Lull the customer into a borderline hypnotic state through the telling of boring Ohio facts; appeal to their subconscious by subjecting them to brightly intense and brief messages that brainwashed them into buying this Ohio Heavy Cotton Ladies T-Shirt; break the trancelike state and let the rest of the work be done. It didn’t work so well because instead of buying our design, all of our participants in the first test group actually became psychotic instead. Oops. BUY OUR DESIGN.
We like Ohio here at My DesTeeNation. No really, we do. We’ve never been there before, but all the stuff we’ve heard about it makes it sound like a decent place to live. To us, it really doesn’t matter which state we live in, as long as we’re in the good ol’ USA and doing what we do best: making state XXKeyword01XX. That part is critical though. After all, would you want an apparel company based in Toronto making American state designs? We didn’t think so.