Key Features:
Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt
You don’t need to be the best skier on the powdered slopes. Yet to be considered for the job of ski patroller on one of the Centennial State’s famed peaks you better be able to ski through the worst conditions. Colorado has a vast array of rocky topography to be discovered. Skiing in the Highest State is more popular than any place in the country. A patroller better be ready to ski anywhere on the mountain in any type of condition at a blink’s notice. If this sounds like a dream to you, this Colorado Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt is a great place to start your descent!
While on patrol, you get a radio call. Someone has fallen on the peak’s hardest run and is unresponsive. What do you do? What is your first reaction? My Desteenation knows what ours would be, but we doubt the Good Lord would be able to intervene. The job of a ski patroller, especially in the Centennial State, is not for the faint of heart. With this state Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt, all you wannabe patrollers can believe you are ready to ski your ‘Aspen’ off! Its dangerous work, but we know the beauty of Colorado would have us getting Rocky Mountain High in no time.