Ohio is known as the Buckeye state. We’re pretty sure that there’s also a bunch of other things named after the state tree, such as a College Football team, a candy, and so forth. I’m sure they’re all just as exciting as the state they’re named after. No really, that wasn’t sarcasm, we think that Ohio is one of the most exciting states in the Union *coughnotreallycough* and totally don’t think it’s too boring or anything. Why are you looking at us like that? Geez, isn’t it obvious we totally like Ohio. We wouldn’t have made this Ohio Heavy Cotton Ladies T-Shirt otherwise.
We’re trying to come up with pop culture references involving Ohio, but we’re just coming up dry. There’s the song that Bob Dillan wrote, but that’s about all we can muster. Peaceful, quiet, boring Ohio. It’s one of those states like Wisconsin—you know the type: rural. Isn’t it next to Wisconsin? We haven’t looked at a map in decades. What do we look like cartographers? We’re designers, man, we’re just too cool. Now buy our latest XXKeyword01XX.
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Heavy Cotton Ladies T-Shirt
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