Admittedly, Ohio is one of those states that people really don’t know too much about besides the obvious. The capital is Columbus, and Bob Dylan wrote about it, but that’s pretty much it when it comes to public knowledge. Well, allow us to shed some more light on this underappreciated state: The state takes its name from the Ohio River. The name originated from the Iroquois word ohi-yo’, meaning "Great River" or "large creek, and it’s historically known as the "Buckeye State”. Pretty cool, huh? So is this Ohio Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt.
Ohio is the Buckeye state because of those Buckeye trees. Hoooboy, sounds like and exciting place, right? Actually, it could be. We’ve never been there, but it just has the reputation for being one of those states. You know what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s actually really fun and it’s the world’s best kept secret. All we know is that we’ve never been to Ohio, but you probably have been if you’re reading this and thinking about buying our XXKeyword01XX.
Key Features:
Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt
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