Nestled between Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, and Michigan, the Hoosier State is a true example of a landlocked locale. This feature caused Indiana to be dubbed “The Crossroads of America.” Because of location, all forms of transportation needed to be implemented for travel in and across the state. It’s truly the Heartland of America. Waterways, railroads, and highways all contribute to make one of the most innovative and utilized transportation systems to this day. Celebrate the state with more miles of highway than any other with this Indiana Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt.
Go West, young man! My Desteenation knows that the western expansion of our great nation would not have been possible without the achievements in transportation by the Hooiser State. Indiana is as true as this state Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt proclaims, The Crossroads of America. Still to this day, more highways intersect in Indiana than any other state in the union. No wonder Indiana has such a rich automotive racing history. Transportation is the bedrock of its foundation!
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Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt