“Go read the story of thy past. Iowa, O! Iowa What glorious deeds, what fame thou hast!” (Song of Iowa by S.H.M. Byers). The official song of the Land of the Rolling Prairie is an eye-roller itself. They are well aware of their state’s classification as a ‘flyover’ state or the sarcastically named Armpit of the Midwest! With homegrown charm, Iowans accept their humdrum agricultural roots like it is the best thing since sliced bread (which was invented in Iowa). Celebrate the Hawkeye State that does amazing things with corn with this Iowa Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt!
My Desteenation is proud of Iowa’s unique homegrown charm. Iowans are quick to self-deprecate when it comes to defending the merits of their home state. This state Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt is for those Hawkeyes who are proud of their ‘flyover’ status. They know that if you ever decided to stop and visit, you’d think you would only find corn fields. But take a drive down some of the back roads of the Corn State and you will find yourself smiling. ‘Denver: The mile wide city!’ ‘Aredale: It’s not your Dale, it’s not my Dale, it’s Aredale!’ ‘Mallard: We’re friendly ducks!’
Key Features:
Softstyle Adult V-Neck T-Shirt