And here is another edition of Semi-Interesting Facts about Ohio: 1) Dr. Kathryn Dwyer Sullivan, a resident of Columbus, was the first American woman to walk in space. 2) 1.The first ambulance service was established in Cincinnati in 1865. 3) Akron is the rubber capital of the world. Are you asleep yet? If you are, we’ll just “assume” that you passed out from excitement and want to immediately order our amazing Ohio Ultra Cotton Adult Long Sleeve T-Shirt. What’s that you say? It’s okay for us to use your credit card to place an order? Alrighty….
Back in grammar school we had to remember this silly song that taught us all of the 50 states. It might have felt trivial at the time, but we think that moment stuck with us through our teenage years and into young adulthood. That‘s maybe why we’ve dedicated ourselves to creating awesome XXKeyword01XX here at My DesTeeNation.
Key Features:
Ultra Cotton Adult Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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