It’s Ohio versus the World. But is it really? It seems a little bit brash of a statement to make, but I guess if you live in Ohio, things can seem that way. If that were really the case though, Spoiler Alert: Ohio would lose. Ah well though, it’s sometimes good to have that us-against-the-world mentality because it builds camaraderie amongst others part of your cause and you can always fall back on that romantic delusion of going out “in the blaze of glory”. What are we talking about? Is Ohio at war or something? Just get this Ohio Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt, would you?
Ohio versus the world doesn’t sound like a good matchup. In fact, we think a venue involving Rhonda Rousey and a toddler would be more of a fair fight. But just in case you want to “fight the good fight” anyway, you can get this awesome design. While you’re at it, you can browse all of our other XXKeyword01XX here at My DesTeeNation, simply because you’re guaranteed to find more than one you like. Disclaimer: not an actual guarantee.
Key Features:
Heavy Cotton Adult T-Shirt